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Install latest build

Download the latest and uploaded to E1.

Note on Date Conversion

Dates are returned as Unix Time Stamp when extracted with an AIS Aggregate, but without the Time Zone, so they default to GMT. If the system is not running in GMT, then the date needs to be adjusted in state.ts:

/** App State */

export const TIMEZONE_ADJUST = 0; /*36000 = AEST to GMT*/;
export const DATE_FORMAT = 'MM/DD/YYYY'; /* US date format */

Build from source

Go to the Github page and either download the source as a zip file or clone with git:

$ git clone

Install components with npm from the source root directory:

$ npm install

Build a production bundle with npm:

$ npm run build

Zip up the build output in the /dist folder and upload to E1.

Run standalone

In addition to the source code, a configured e1pagehelper.js is required to run a standalone E1 Page. After updating it with user, password and ais-url, place it in a in the parent folder of the source under /jde/e1pages. The install directory tree should look like this:

/e1p-omw-dash     <-- Source folder

From the source folder, start it with npm:

$ npm start

By default a browser page will open http://localhost:8080, expecting an index.html page. Just append it with /home.html to display the page.