Classy Script
Programming and housekeeping have a lot in common1. Like a housekeeper putting stuff away in drawers, programmers use libraries2, or what can be generalised as types
The concept of a type
is similar to a drawer, reduce clutter.
For example, how about doing the PO Receipting like this.
# Open Purchase Orders
# Select a Line
$po = $jde.list | out-consoleGridView -title "Open Orders" -outputmode single | find-selectIndex -in $jde.list
# Select the Line
# List the Lines
# Select the first Row for Receipting
# Press Ok
# List the Receipt Doc
# Exit the App Stack
Encapsulate Forms
Here we have encapsulated the functions to use in the W4312F
and W4312A
# Work With Open PO's type
class w4312f : jdeGridForm {
[void] select([int]$row) {
$rs = step-celin.ais.script "select(1.$row) do(4)" -returnControlIDs ($global:ctrlIDs["w4312a"])
static open() {
$rs = open-celin.ais.script "w4312f zjde0006" "do(21)" -max -1 -returnControlIDs ($global:ctrlIDs["w4312f"])
w4312f($rs) : base($rs) {}
# Add the returnControlIDs
$ctrlIDs["w4312f"] = "97|85|1[16,41,25,10,11,14,91,92]"
# Add the type
[jdeForm]::types.add(@{ Name = "*W4312F*"; Type = [w4312f] })
# Receipt a PO type
class w4312a : jdeGridForm {
[void] receipt([int]$row) {
$rs = step-celin.ais.script "update[1 ${row}:(382:1,117: )]" -returnControlIDs ($global:ctrlIDs["w4312a"])
[void] ok() {
$r = step-celin.ais.script "do(4)" -returnControlIDs ($global:ctrlIDs["w4312f"])
[void] cancel() {
$r = step-celin.ais.script "do(5)" -returnControlIDs ($global:ctrlIDs["w4312f"])
w4312a($rs) : base($rs) {}
# Add the returnControlIDs
$ctrlIDs["w4312a"] = "1[382,116,117,103,40,44]"
# Add the type
[jdeForm]::types.add(@{ Name = "*W4312A*"; Type = [w4312a] })
Encapsulate Base
The common elements of the forms are encapsulated in the class jdeForm
and its derivative class jdeGridForm
# Declare the ctrlIDs hashtable
$ctrlIDs = @{}
# The base form class
class jdeForm {
# Type Array
static $types = (new-object System.Collections.ArrayList)
# Close the session
[void] exit() {
$r = close-celin.ais.script
# Write form info
[object] info() {
return @(
$this | get-member
jdeForm($rs) {
$ = $rs
# Members
$this | add-member name -memberType scriptProperty -value {
$this | add-member form -memberType scriptProperty -value {
$this | add-member error -memberType scriptProperty -value {
$null -ne $
$this | add-member errorText -memberType scriptProperty -value {
if ($null -ne $ {
write-host $ -foregroundColor red
[void] static update($rs) {
# Write any error text
if ($null -ne $rs.error) {
write-host $rs.error -foregroundColor red
# Update the connection object
set-variable $env:CELIN_DEFAULT_AIS (get-variable $env:CELIN_DEFAULT_AIS).value -scope Global
# Get the type
$type = [jdeForm]
foreach ($t in [jdeForm]::types) {
if ($ -like $t.Name) {
$type = $t.Type
$global:jde = $type::new($rs)
# A form with grid
class jdeGridForm : jdeForm {
$useNames = $false
jdeGridForm($rs) : base($rs) {
# Members
$this | add-member grid -MemberType ScriptProperty -Value {
$this | add-member list -MemberType ScriptProperty -Value {
if ($this.useNames) {
else {
Updated Find-SelectionIndex function
Accept the value to find from the pipeline (the Out-ConsoleGridView
function find-SelectIndex {
param (
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
$found = -1
$ndx = 0
foreach ($e in $in) {
if (-not (compare-object $ $ {
$found = $ndx
return $found
1 With apology to housekeepers, the argument is about tidiness.
2 Ok, maybe a librarian is better analogy.