Save Data

Saving data to a file, instead of always requesting it from AIS can be convenient, for example for master data like address book. It’s can also be necessary for keeping a history of previous state, for example to report on daily changes in number of open purchase orders.

To and From JSON

The Grid and Data types of the Celin.AIS.Query and Celin.AIS.Script commands offer a JSON conversion methods for export and restoration.

Save/Restore Grid as JSON File

Using our $ab variable with the address book query result, we can save the Grid to a file called ab.json.

$ | out-file ./ab.json

Later we can restore the Grid into a variable called $abg.

$abg = [celin.ais.pwsh.types.grid]::fromjson((get-content ./ab.json))

Here we use the static FromJson function of the type [Celin.AIS.Pwsh.Type.Grid] to construct the Grid with JSON data read by the Get-Content command.

This is made possible by the fact that PowerShell is a native of .NET and understand its types.

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