Master Data Update
PowerShell is a very convenient tool when maintaining master data in Oracle E1/JDE. The following example updates the Item Master Cat Code 4 for a item list where ‘Touring’ is in the description.
A more realistic example would be where the source data is extracted from an Excel spreadsheet or a 3rd party system. But the Process would be the same:
- Format the Source into a List or an Array.
- Open the Relevant Work With Form
App Stack
. - For Each Item.
- Search for the Item in the Grid
- Select the Item and open the Maintenance Form.
- Update the Maintenance Form.
- Close the Maintenance Form.
- Close the
App Stack
# Make sure we have the latest celin.ais.pwsh version
update-module celin.ais.pwsh
# Sales Category Codes 4
$rq = submit-celin.ais.query "f0005 (dl01,ky) all(sy=41 rt=S4)"
# Get the grid
$lookup = $
# Display the values
# Item Master
$rq = submit-celin.ais.query "f4101 (litm,dsc1,srp4)
all(dsc1 ? Touring dsc1 ? Bike srp4 <> 888)"
$ims = $
# Update the Cat Code to 888
$counter = 0
# Open a stack Work With Item Master Browse
$rq = open-celin.ais.script "w4101e,zjde0001"
write-host "Opened " $
foreach ($item in $ims.detail) {
# Find the first item by using the QBE, returning Item Number, Description and Sales Code 4
$rq = step-celin.ais.script "qbe(1[123],$($item[0])) do(22)" -returnControlIds "1[123,9,87]"
# Display the grid result
$$ | ft
# Select the Row and select the Category Codes Row Exit, returing only Sales Code 4
$bf = step-celin.ais.script "select(1.0) do(133)" -returnControlIds "23"
# Update Code to 888 and press the Ok button
$af = step-celin.ais.script "set(23,888) do(11)" -returnControlIds "23"
# Display the Before and After form values
$ + $ | ft
# Close the form
step-celin.ais.script "do(12)" | out-null
if ($counter -gt 1) {
# Only process the first two items
# Close the stack
close-celin.ais.script | out-null
# Checck the Item Master
$rq = submit-celin.ais.query "f4101 (litm,dsc1,srp4)
all(dsc1 ? Touring dsc1 ? Bike srp4 = 888)"
$ims = $